The Top-up Degree programme is composed of 4 modules and 1 project. Students are required to apply the knowledge from the programme to conduct a final project, ensuring graduates are well-equipped for further career advancement to managerial positions.
All of the modules have video learning support, students can review the lessons anytime anywhere
Students are expected to finish the programme within 8 months and can further their studies for local Master degrees after graduation
This degree aims to provide a coherent programme of study to give the necessary grounding to work in the Computing and IT industry. It brings together the core IT skills needed for working in business environments. The programme will promote your understanding of the software development framework within which systems and applications are built and deployed. It also develops your awareness of different IT problem solving strategies to meet the needs of business. The programme prepares you to understand a range of commercial settings in which IT is used. As a graduate of this programme you will be equipped to follow a career in the IT industry, typically as an IT support manager, database developer, database administrator, web site developer, systems designer. In addition, you may find career opportunities in information systems security, and IT management
To teach the necessary technical knowledge and skills to design effective human computer interactions and carry out user-centred design activities to inform the creation of system and applications. The course will extend the student’s knowledge and experience of managerial issues affecting the development of human-computer interactions, including relevant legal, social, ethical and professional issues.
Learning Outcomes:
This course will address the current trends of mobile application design and development, and analyse the unique design and deployment issues that must be taken into consideration when developing applications for mobile devices. It will focus on both native and Web-based approaches and also on the hybrid approach where a Web application is installed just like a native one.
Learning Outcomes:
Quality Information systems are critical to the success of today’s organisations. Underpinning the development of such quality systems is the successful management of the requirements engineering cycle. The main aims of this course are (1) examine the key issues associated with the successful management of requirements and (2) introduce the student to a number of practical tools and techniques used to overcome these issues
Learning Outcomes:
To introduce more advanced database concepts and provide the necessary knowledge and practical skills of creating and maintaining the database including database users, objects and data. This course also teaches how to protect the database and how to identify and solve various database problems.
Learning Outcomes:
Provide the student with the opportunity to research, specify, design, implement and test a software product to an appropriate level of professional competence. and develop a student's ability to create, plan, organise and work independently on an appropriate product, drawing on and extending ideas, skills and techniques encountered during the programme of study
Learning Outcomes:
Institute | Qualifications |
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (VTC - IVE) |
Hong Kong University |
Hong Kong University Space |
Caritas Francis Hsu College |
City University of Hong Kong |
Hong Kong PolyU |
HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE) |
Hong Kong College of Technology |
Hong Kong Management Association |
Martin College |
Peak VTC |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Chu Hai College |
Every lecture will be video recorded. The students can play back any lessons from our elearning system. No more missing lessons and every student can learn at his own pace.
We have dedicated training consultants and link tutor to help the students to plan their study plan and also overcome their study obstacles.
We will invite the graduates to attend the UoG graduation ceremony organized in Hong Kong Univerisity annually
英國格林威治大學畢業的校友高錕教授榮獲了2009 年度諾貝爾物理學獎,以表彰其在光纖通信技術領域的突出成就。
The programme has got the British QCF Qualifications which is equivalent to the Hong Kong QF Standard Level 6
隨著資訊科技日新月異,IT不斷改善人的生活及商業運作,IT人作為「商業環境及科技之間的媒介」,地位日益重要。近年業界對IT人的要求已不再局限於技術層面, 例如網絡及系統維護等工作。IT人隨著年資攀昇,如果要再進一步,晉升至管理職位,就必須要處理人力資源並解決管理層次的問題,例如以IT改善商業營運,減低成本並提升企業生產力。步入2011,新一代「IT揸FIT 人」必需「周身刀,張張利」,善於與IT管理階層溝通並有能力解決管理層次的問題。
以往香港的IT學位課程多集中於Computer Science及Information Technology,側重 IT技術,不少資訊科技專才未必擅於行政及管理。UNiSOFT與英國著名學府 - 格林威治大學 (University of Greenwich,簡稱UoG)合辦商業資訊科技 (Business Information Technology,簡稱 (BIT) 大學學位(最後一年)課程,是一個集IT及商業知識的大學學位,雙管齊下,提昇學員成為IT 及企業管理雙贏的人才。
UoG商業資訊科技大學學位是UNiSOFT最受歡迎的課程之一,講師均為業界的IT精英,每天都在商業戰場行軍佈陣,夜間則傳授多年累積的寶貴實戰經驗。有資格深厚的導師座陣,同學當然是最大的得益者。 今天,UoG BIT的新一屆畢業生與導師聚首一堂,暢談學習心得,以過來人的身份向準備升學的同學分享成功的不二法門。他們印證課堂中資深導師的傾力傳授,令每位學員除技術及管理智慧上得到提昇,更能把書本的知識運用於工作,甚至獲得人生智慧及目標,有同學更形容整個課程令他脫胎換骨,人生都豐富了﹔我們又再一次證明,只要配對適合的課程 --- 成功,你我都可以。
四位同學的背景部份來自IT 行業,其他則從事人力資源,甚至為退休高官,希望退而不休,再闖人生另一高峰。雖然他們來自不同背景,但一個學位改變了他們對IT及前途的想法。
學校IT技術員,由不善辭令到主動溝通,為迎接更高學歷 作好準備
即將畢業的學員Peter Wong,中學時期主修化學生物,現為一所小學的科技支援人員。「進修前當時對自己前途都不太清楚,諗住讀完先算。」 Peter憶述當初報讀時的想法,「其實一直都好想有一個大學學位,希望對未來有保障。」
對於課程設計,Peter 讚口不絶,「這個課程包含有社會科學,IT技術 ,及商業三方面的原素,是一個非常全面的學歷,最重要係導師願意將自己的經驗毫無保留的授予學生,課程令我明白理論之餘仲可以將IT觀念融入生活中,整個過程令我好大得著,好有啟發,現在我發現IT可以真係幫到人。感覺好唔同,IT將人與人之間拉得更近,依家願意接觸人,以前?我真係唔多說話。」談起為何有這樣大的啟發,Peter不諱言是受導師影響。
由UNiSOFT開辦的UoG 課程,導師團隊都經過學術部門的精挑細選,碩士或博士學歷是基本的要求,最重要的是他們擁有IT業界的實戰經驗,傳授予學員的知識絕非紙上談兵,有別於來自象牙塔的大學學者,而且他們都擁有豐富的教學經驗,令學員更易應付課程的要求 Peter稱﹕「導師係一個好好模範,令我好想好似導師咁繼續讀上去,讀MASTER同PhD。依家我可以講係整個人甚至人生觀都被改變,積極左好多。最難忘的事?當然係俾導師多次退回功課,要求重做,事後想深一層,老師真心想我地好,所以先有要求,從導師身上真係學到好多嘢。」
對於選擇UNiSOFT與UoG合辦的商業資訊科技大學學位,「我有問屋企人意見。」大班長Matthew笑說。「個仔一聽就叫我報UNiSOFT,又有簡介會聽,我覺得好深印象,簡介會令我好明白呢個COURSE 是我需要的,好有說服力。」重拾書本的過程的確令「大班長」百感交集。「一開始讀MCSE,個個同學都有經驗過我,連畫張圖都比人慢,自己又老花,放學後要花更多時間返屋企練,嗰段時間最辛苦,最難忘係同學間互相幫助,當我慢慢掌握上課模式, NCC講理論課程開始,反而同學問返我借筆記!」
UNiSOFT的UoG課程由6個單元組成,融合IT、商業及管理三方面的知識,令學員有足夠的知識擔任IT管理工作。其中IT科目包括「Database Design & Implementation」、「Information Systems Engineering」及「Rapid Application Development」; 商業科目有「E-Commerce」; 商業及管理科目包括「IT Project & Quality Management」及「Information Systems Management」,因應實際需要而設計。另外學員需在最後一個學期綜合運用課堂所學的知識及項目管理的概念,完成一份專題報告,確保學以致用。校方會安排大約三位導師任教他們的專長科目,務求學員可集各位導師的長處及他們於IT業界各個範疇所累積的寶貴經驗。
大班長認為由入讀前是「想讀」,入讀後變成「想做」,意思是希望把學到的的知識回饋社會。「課程帶領我學習到管理層應有的道德觀,其他人文領域及管理的責任與認知,尤其體現於中國內地,IT 是一門西方化現代化的管理模式,對任何一個範疇都有裨益,最終當然希望對回饋社會作出貢獻。」
課程另一位畢業生 Peter Poon,分別擁有澳門東亞大學及香港大學兩個學位,可是面對轉變中的市場仍自覺相當「唔夠」。「係公司叫我要讀書,而我希望揾到實用性強既課程再裝備下自己,找UNiSOFT係希望有突破,UNiSOFT既商業資訊科技大學學位唔係純IT課程,當中加入了商業元素,令我覺得實用性較大。雖然我分別擁有香港大學兩個學位,選擇時仍會重視讀書氣氛,一般專上學院的教授對學生都比較冷漠,上課派筆記,下課自己讀;但這裡的導師經常引用新聞作例子,既生活化,亦重視師生間的互動。通常下午有新聞,上堂會有case 討論,漸漸我發現上課居然令我明白以往未通達的理論!」Peter續道︰「導師經常強調反思及MAPPING,我好認同,因為工作上,分析能力固然重要,而解決問題於技術層面及工作層面都要兼顧,呢個 course好多 Surprise,例如上課風格、學術論文撰寫,都令我獲益良多。數萬蚊,梗係覺得駛得過!」
Peter Poon 的同班同學KEN 也認為自己選對了 UoG 的 Top - up Degree 課程。「我本身從事物流業,相當依重IT,因為工作需要,所以需要進修,希望憑學歷擺脫及突破過去10年營營役役的生活模式。入讀前KEN希望找到目標,知道唔一定揾到,但要TRY,又比我揾到。」Ken 續道︰「商業及資訊科技未來係一定要兼備,例如我現在的工作要面對總經理,亦會參與決策性的工作,一定要掌握管理知識,加上自己本身無DEGREE,想對自己有交代,明白再不及時進修,只會浪費大好機會, 選擇UNiSOFT 是希望擴闊視野,藉此多接觸人和事,因為IT工作以往甚少面對『人』。」
曾在另一所機構讀 NCC 課程的KEN,出席了一次 UoG 商業資訊科技大學學位的簡介會,「UNiSOFT 令我很有信心,很欣賞導師教學的熱誠,課程帶給我除了課堂理論,就是導師的實戰經驗,書本未必揾到,令我明白一個IT專材要提昇自己,便需要學習與不同的對象保持溝通,包括老闆,同事,其他技術人員等,不能只看到自己;導師時常教導學生如何去看一件事,如何評價。這令到我可以經常迅速地 evaluate 及 justify ,然後 make decision。我比別人更早預視危機的存在,最終幫公司提昇競爭力。」開闊了眼界令KEN的學術論文獲得導師的垂青,為其穿針引線,引薦為某大跨國IT企業於香港的 PROJECT作試點。無論結果如何,Ken 認為在 UNiSOFT 能遇到好導師已「一世無遺憾」。
導師WALTER (中) 與學員Ken (左) 及 Peter (右) 之合照
WALTER 為 UNiSOFT 的 UoG 教學團隊成員之一,對於學生的認同,WALTER感慨現今教育往往把學生訓練成為「工具」,卻忽略了引導學生思考「為何要做」,因為懂得反思問題就是學生常常掛在口邊的JUSTIFICATION,才能有效面對工作帶來的種種挑戰。其實教學相長,自己會從學生身上學習。IT 的畢業論文最好與行業的真實情況接軌,學生才會有所得益。」人生經驗豐盛的 Walter 於課堂中常引古今事件,即日新聞,都成為WALTER 的教材,學生從他身上除學習到「知識」外,還有「做人」的道理。「世界變得太快,人身在其中往往「知其然,不知其所以然」,商業及資訊科技兩雙齊下,是希望強化學生的學問及靈活性,加上導師的經驗,希望同學以「管理階層」作為事業的奮鬥目標,IT 技術加上管理能力,即等同終生受用。」
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